Saturday 17 March 2007

Interview w/ Adriana Evans 06

Interview: Adriana Evans (Email)

'El Camino' is Adriana Evans latest record, which is released through Expansion Records. She creatively digs deeper into her more soul and jazz side, birthing one of her finest recordings to date.

01. Matthew – What is your greatest source of inspiration?

. Adriana Evans – Everything. Life is the greatest inspiration. My life and the lives of ordinary people around the world, I marvel at the way human beings can suffer through the most tragic circumstances and still believe that something out there loves them. I’ve seen children in Latin America in the most horrific condition’s laugh and play as if they were in a Mansion in Beverly Hills. That is what inspires me, the truth of who we really are; love.

02. Matthew – Talk to me a bit about your child hood and the sights and sounds?

. Adriana Evans - As a child, music was my life. My Mother was a jazz singer and I always remember music in our home. The sounds of jazz, soul, Salsa, and Brazilian, permeate most of my childhood memories.

03. Matthew – Do you feel that you have musically progressed with ‘El Camino’ since your debut album?

. Adriana Evans - I’m not the same person I was when that record came out. My music has grown with me; I mean it’s apart of me, so it is an expression of personal growth.

04. Matthew – Would you ever do any collaborations outside of the current collaborations you are currently doing?

. Adriana Evans - The whole collaboration thing is not really my vibe. You’re not really going to see me doing a guest appearance on a Busta Rhymes record. I love working with Dred Scott. We’ve created our own little sound that work’s for us. I figure if it ain’t broke why fix it!

05. Matthew – You released a few records after your debut album such as ‘Kismet’ and ‘Nomadic’. How were those recordings like to create?

. Adriana Evans - Actually, ’Nomadic’ came out before ‘Kismet’. It has more of a sixties blues/rock influence, a la Led Zepplin and soul rock sounds like Rufus and Chaka Khan. It was a fun record artistically; I was completely free of industry politics.

06. Matthew – Did you ever get into music education before entering the music business?

. Adriana Evans - I went to UCLA and Long Each State before getting into the business. I was a History major with a concentration on African and Latin American History.

07. Matthew – And what are your views on today’s music industry?

. Adriana Evans - The truth? I think it’s a mess. The majors have kind of killed music, as we know it. It’s all about marketing individuals as a product. They don’t really think about the music. They have stopped signing artists. They sign marketing ideas. To be an A&R person doesn’t mean you know about music. I mean the genius that decided to give Paris Hilton a record deal? Most records on majors don’t really sell. They waste a lot of time on meaningless products that just sit in the stores. The whole industry has been affected. Not only are established record labels like Arista, and MCA have to close their doors but also you have chain stores like Tower Records going out of business. You have independent artists who are selling out major recording artists. I believe that the independent music movement is the only bright spot in a dismal arena.

08. Matthew – Do you have any advice for people trying to break into the music industry?

. Adriana Evans - This road is not for the faint of heart that’s for sure. But I can’t really complain because I have been very fortunate. To be able to do what I love for a living is a true blessing. I know so many people who are living their lives where they merely exist. Music has enabled me to truly experience the fullness of living.

09. Matthew – What is the most valuable aspect of your musical experience?

. Adriana Evans - I have travelled the world and seen so many things because of music. The experience’s I have had around the world make up for the unpleasant nature of the business aspect.

10. Matthew – Have you been to London? And what do you think about it?

. Adriana Evans - I love London. My Uncle actually lives there. I had visited him there last year. Hopefully I will do a few shows there sometime in the near future.

11. Matthew – Have you got an IPod? And if yes what is stored in it?

. Adriana Evans - I listen to a lot of Brazilian music. My IPod is filled with a Brazilian artist from the seventies and eighties, called Djavan. He is a genius; no one comes close to him. Stevie Wonder really admires him. I also love the way the Brazilian women singers use their voices, very simplistic and no ridiculous runs. They just sing the melody, and so sweetly at that. I don’t really listen to contemporary music. Quite frankly a lot of it is self-aware rubbish. It doesn’t sound like folks these days have much fun creating anymore. They are too concerned with being ‘deep’. For god’s sake I wish they would just have a little fun and not take themselves so seriously. Also an incredible record that I have played to death is, ‘Inspiration Information’ by Shuggie Otis. An incredible artist from the seventies and he was so ahead of his time.

12. Matthew – Please talk to me about your latest album ‘El Camino’ and anything else that is exciting?

. Adriana Evans - I just finished a record that will be released in Japan in the Spring, called ‘El Camino’. I’m really happy with it, it’s more of a proper soul album, no real rock influences like ‘Nomadic’. It’s pretty much a soul thing. It was really a lot of fun to make.

13. Matthew – What do you do besides singing?

. Adriana Evans - I am an actress and a writer.

14. Matthew – Lastly, any life advice that you could give to people that you may like to share?

. Adriana Evans - Be patient. Life is a marathon and sprinters don’t usually make it to the finish line. Enjoy the time when the sun is shinning on you and the time when the moon covers you in rest. You need both, and it is all about balance.

Words by Matthew Daniel

© 2007 Feel The Soul. All Rights Reserved.

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